Stephanie Finney - Sales Support Specialist

Oct 18, 2019 - 1:43 PM

Viewed 726 times

  • Hey y'all!

    Born and raised in SC, I've finally found a company that I can honestly say I truly enjoy working for! I've been with Diesel Laptops for 2 1/2 years. When I first came to Diesel I started in Quality Control. It was me, myself and I checking all of around 10-15 laptops that we had going out each day. It has been amazing to experience the rapid growth within the company and myself. I now work as the Sales Support Specialist for our Sales Team. Each day there is a new task to tackle and obstacles to overcome but I'd say we do a pretty amazing job here as a team. Although, I can't claim my team is perfect...I mean the majority of them are sales people :-P I enjoy working with them all the same and wouldn't have it any other way!

    I look forward to what the future has in store for all of us here at Diesel Laptops!

  • One of my favorite people! Thank you for all that you do

  • Thank you for the kind words! Always a pleasure working with you :-) As always, I'm here if y'all need me!
