To connect your PC or laptop to a commercial truck, you need a communication adapter that interfaces between your laptop and the truck. These devices are often called RP1210 adapters, communication adapters, or datalink adapters. The most popular adapter in the market today is made by Nexiq, which is called the Nexiq USB Link 2. Our company, Diesel Laptops, has recently introduced our competing device called the DieselLink. This blog post serves to compare the DieselLink with the Nexiq USB Link 2.

At the end of the day, we feel the Diesel Laptops DieselLink provides a better warranty, a better up-front cost, less expensive replacement parts, and provides an equal or better level of coverage. We back all of this up with a 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee. If you purchase a Diesel Link, we want you to have the confidence that it works as well as advertised.

For a complete comparison of software and protocol coverage read our full blog post here -